Friday, 4 July 2014



TV news research

11) What were the five stories your group chose to broadcast?
·         Greenford news story: Year 11 End Of Year Video
·         National news story: Mobile Phone Operators Could Share Networks
·         London news story: Met Police Delete Records On Sex and Race Discrimination
·         Sports news story: Barcelona start Discussions with Liverpool for Striker Luis Suarez
·         Funny news story: Bear gets Head Stuck In A Cookie Jar

2) For each story above, explain WHY you chose that particular story and not something else. Why would it interest a Greenford audience? 
·         Greenford news story: We chose this story because It's a thing that most Greenford Student's would love to see. It's funny, it contains people they know and people that they have heard of in the school Community.
·         National news story: We chose this story because students in our school are at the age of using their phones the most than any other age group, so this would interest them as this might concern them.
·         London news story: We chose this story because we wanted to give the students of GHS another story of discrimination in London. We wanted to tell them that this happens to any age group and it is a form of bullying. We wanted to tell this story so that it raises awareness in school of what the effects of bullying are. This woman went to the police students will go to child protection officers in the school.
·         Sports news story: We chose this story because Football is probably the biggest range of sport discussed in and out of school. The world cup is at this moment so this would be a great time to tell this story as they will be interested. The Luis Suarez bite is big because no Football player has ever done that and no one his age has probably never done that either. So this player is really famous and recognizable so people would want information about him.
·         Funny news story: We chose this story because people in the GHS community are likely to find this funny as it is a thing that they are unlikely to hear something like this story. It also gives a lighter side to our news which people would want to see our broadcast again because it is something that they would want to hear or closer to this because people find animals really funny or like them.

3) What order did you broadcast the stories in? Why did you place the stories in that order?
·         1) Mobile Phone Operators Share Networks
·         2) The Met Delete Records of Sex and Race Discrimination
·         3) Barcelona start discussions with Liverpool to bid for Luis Suarez
·         4) Yr 11 End Of Year Video
·         5) Bear's Head Get Stuck In A Cookie Jar

4) How did you make sure the script was the right length?
·         Made an even number of words in each story and timed a draft to make sure it was what length we needed. We didn't want them to get a lot of speaking because that would just bore them and there would not be enough time to bombard them with this information. 

5) How did you make sure each story was clear and easy to understand?
·         We made the script clear by making the language suitable for our target age group e.g. not using words they wouldn't understand, not using words that sound babyish. We gave listeners enough time to understand what they were being told be slowing down and making very short pauses.

6) How did you make sure the broadcast was professional?
·         Made the script sound professional and used certain types of news story's and giving information in certain way. We also used our script by using some professional words to give it a bit of seriousness so our broadcasts show reality which gives some professionalism. 

7) What was your specific role in the group?
·         The editor

8) Rate your group’s ability to work collaboratively out of 5 (1=poor, 5=excellent)
·         5

9) How could your group have worked more effectively as a team?
·         We could use less time in some parts to work more on the script or also we could have chosen news reports that were more appealing to our targeted age group.

10) Finally, what would you have done differently if you were given the opportunity to do this again?
·         I would have taken less time in choosing the stories and also presenting the news story's a better to the listeners.