genre-Captain Phillips is a 2013 American
thriller,action,drama,Adventure Film and Biographical film
Audience-The target audience for this American
film would be a huge, worldwide audience. This would appeal mostly to the
people which love thriller movies mainly the age of 10-60 but there are other
clues regarding a more detailed target audience. young teenage would mostly
like it.
platform- Although this is primarily
in cinema when it first comes out.also it may be on TV such
as on demand.likewise it will be on the computer such as illegal may be able to you it on your phone and go on Netflix.In
addition on your tablets, laptops and you tube.
platform- Although this is primarily in cinema when it first comes out.also it may be on TV such as on demand.likewise it will be on the computer such as illegal may be able to you it on your phone and go on Netflix.In addition on your tablets, laptops and you tube.
Genre- Top Boy is a British television drama
series that was first broadcast on Channel is a crime fiction and
drama series.
Audience- Ensure Top Boy wasn't just watched by the older
up-market audience of comparable series like The Wire, but also by the
diverse urban youth (16-24) audience whose lives the show more closely reflects
and who would most benefit from engaging in conversation about the issues the
story raises.
Inspire and support these conversations through
social media and mobile channels, and use this buzz to drive those who missed
it can watch it on 4OD.
Platform-Although this is primarily on TV such as on demand.
Likewise it will be on the computer such as may be able to you it on
your phone and go on the 4od app on app store. In addition on your tablets,
laptops and you tube.
Genre-The genre for this media text is television
advert. The sub-genre would be sportswear advertising although the extended
length of the film means this is unusual for a TV advert. This advert is associated with
football which is a sport. This advert has basics of a comedy
Audience- The target audience for this
Nike advert would be a large, mass-market global audience. This would appeal
mainly to football fans due to the famous players involved but there are other
clues regarding a more detailed target audience. However, there are many
aspects to the advert that would appeal to a wider audience of both males and
females, as well as older people (for example, the use of football and sports
stars from the past creates enjoyment for older fans).
Platform- Although this is primarily a TV advert, the
extended version would mainly be watched online, particularly YouTube. The full
four minute advert would not appear on TV (an edited 30 or 60-second version
would be used instead) so this extended version would mainly be watched on PCs,
laptops, tablets and phones.
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